Kalkun: New Feature – Import Contact from CSV

Tired to add contact one by one? Or you already have thousand contact on Excel file and want to add them to Kalkun contacts?

With this feature you need one click to import all of them, it will save your time 🙂

But, this feature have some limitation, currently only support CSV format, no XLS. Field delimiter must be comma (,) and Text delimiter must be double quotes (“). OpenOffice, Excel, or other spreadsheet should have this option. You should see an examples located on media/csv/contact_sample.csv. And also, don’t remove the Header (Name and Number), it will act as identifier.

Create valid format with OpenOffice

Create valid format with OpenOffice

Import contact dialog

Import contact dialog

Successfully imported

Successfully imported

That’s it! 😀

PS: This feature not in release yet, still on my github repository [0], you are welcome to have a try.

[0] http://github.com/back2arie/Kalkun

Translate Kalkun to your own language

I’m really glad to announce you that Kalkun now “almost” fully support for translation. Currently, there are 4 language available, but not all of them 100% complete, there are English (default languange) and Bahasa maintained by myself, Czech by Michal ÄŒihaÅ™, and Portuguese by Joao Barros.

So, now is your chance to make Kalkun “speak” your own language, it’s really easy.

Get the latest source code for english translation here:

You should see PHP variables like this one:

$lang['kalkun_title'] = "Kalkun: Web based SMS Management";
$lang['kalkun_dashboard'] = "Dashboard";
$lang['kalkun_folder'] = "Folders";
$lang['kalkun_myfolder'] = "My Folders";

Change the string based on your language, e.g. Bahasa should be like this:

$lang['kalkun_title'] = "Kalkun: Manajemen SMS Berbasis Web";
$lang['kalkun_dashboard'] = "Dasbor";
$lang['kalkun_folder'] = "Berkas";
$lang['kalkun_myfolder'] = "Berkas Pribadi";

And so on, make sure you replace all variables value to your language, currently there’s about 240 lines in there.
Last, send your modified file to me blackarazi<at>gmail.com.

That’s it! 😀

phpMyAdmin Themes Contest

Not sure if i’ll win 😛

I’m doing this because i’m a phpMyAdmin heavy user, and sometimes the default themes looks boring, so i’m learning howto make the themes. Well, it’s basically based on the original themes with some modification off course, especially the color. I’m looking for free icon but can’t find mix and match one, so i’m using default icon.

Almost forgot, i named it Toba, it’s a name of a Lake on North Sumatera, so the basic color is Blue.

Toba Lake

Toba Lake

For list of all themes participating in contest you can visit:

And you can take the survey here (looks like it will need registration first):

Don’t forget to vote my theme 🙂 See the demo here

Toba theme

Toba theme

If you want to access the source code, you can visit it on my github page:

Thank you 😀