INAICTA 2010 in memoriam

Jadi kangen suasana kompetisinya, deg-degannya (lebay), ketemu juri-jurinya yang super keren (Pak Onno, Pak Rusmanto, Ibu Betty). Jadi inget dulu saya satu-satunya peserta yang masih kuliah (di kategori open source), sendirian pula, modal nekat doang, hehehe…

Walaupun cuma jadi nominator, pastinya ada perasaan bangga bisa sampai menyisihkan ratusan bahkan mungkin ribuan karya yang lain, sampai buka stand pameran di JCC 😀

Semoga tahun ini masih bisa meramaikan INAICTA 2011. Amin 😀

Kalkun failed on INAICTA 2010

No luck this time 🙂

Kalkun only reach the big five a.k.a nominee on INAICTA 2010, and that’s it, no further phase. Kalkun was beaten by other open source software that’s more mature and greatly tested, i must admit it.

And i think i got lesson from this competition, how to makes an application become mature, ’cause kalkun is just still baby application by now, create an API would be my priority right now, because if kalkun can communicate to other application like Point Of Sale (POS), ERP, and others, it will be very nice.

That’s it, i hope i can get new motivation from this failures, and getting more serious on this project. 🙂